The Fare Maven Blog
Pork Chops with a Greek Flair
So, I've had a lot of cooking demonstrations lately. One that I just did was on Budget Cooking. Many people think that you just can't be healthy on a budget. I disagree. You *can* eat healthy on a budget. I do it all the time. I'll post my budget grocery...
A New Way to Eat Edamame
I've been testing and experimenting with oodles of recipes for an upcoming cooking demonstration. I've stumbled upon some tasty, healthy meals. Today, I share with you a new favorite. Most of us are familiar with eating edamame in the salted pods. Well, this...
Curried Chicken “Stew”
So, I know. I've been quite remiss in my blogging over the last few months. Things got busy and I just didn't have time. Well, I made it a goal to make sure I'm posting on a regular basis again this year. Right now, I'm in the process of testing recipes for some...
Spicy Butternut Squash Salad
SPICY BUTTERNUT SQUASH SALAD I know, I know. The thought of a butternut squash salad is just odd, right? Well, it’s certainly no more odd than making butternut squash soup in 96 degree weather in Arizona at the end of October. I just could not fathom eating soup in...
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Fall is finally in the air here in Arizona. That means we have temperatures in the 60's in the morning while we still get up to the 80's and 90's during the day. It makes for some lovely running and cycling in the morning. This morning I decided to bring a little...
Cooking Demo Recap: Summer Salads
It was a busy week here for the Fare Maven. Besides the normal one-on-one coaching appointments and health education seminars, I got invited to do two really big cooking demo's and food sampling for one of my corporate clients. I want to preface this with the fact...
Bananas Over Greens Smoothie
I have a confession to make. For some strange reason, I’ve been craving green smoothies. This isn’t a problem. But, it feels like an odd addiction. Maybe it’s just because I’m still in love with my new Vitamix blender. Seriously, what doesn’t this thing do? In...
Cheesy Farro Deliciousness
A while back I posted a recipe for Kamut Pilaf. Well, I’m still on my quest to craft recipes with whole grains. I really talked up whole, intact grains in that blog post, so I won’t rehash it here. Last night, I came up with some yummy, cheesy goodness made with...
Berry Blast Smoothie
I guess I’m really on a berry kick right now. Every time I head to the grocery store they are there, on sale and looking gorgeous. I’m a real sucker for raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Since it’s summer, it is also my season for smoothies every morning. ...
Salad with Creamy Tahini Dressing
I love a good salad. In the summer, I really like them because I don’t have to heat up my kitchen, they are quick to get on the table and they are so tasty! If you don’t already know, tahini is sesame seed paste. Think healthy fats and some protein. It’s almost...
Fuel Your IMAZ Training
It’s almost time to dive into Ironman Arizona training! Have your previous Ironman race experiences been plagued by energy or GI issues? Or, is this your first time doing the full 140.6 distance so you want to make sure race day is a great experience? In...
PB and J Smoothie
I'm a sucker for good smoothies. In the summer, my go-to breakfasts are Greek yogurt, fruit, flaxseed and nuts or homemade smoothies. Emphasis on the homemade. Lots of smoothies that you pick up in the bottle or go to smoothie places for are unbalanced with lots of...
Vegetarian Spaghetti Squash Tacos
So, Jason and I got back from a hill repeat ride later than planned one night recently. I had planned on making a grilled rack of lamb on the BBQ, but it was going to take too much time to get the BBQ up to temp and cook it. As a result, I went “shopping” in my...
Getting Back on Track After a Binge
As I sit here noshing on jelly beans from my Easter basket (yes, my Mom still makes me one every year . . . I love Peeps), I started thinking about how junk food can be addictive. Maybe candy or chocolate isn’t your trigger food. Maybe your trigger is potato chips,...
A New Take on Salad . . . With Brown Rice
Jason and I are starting to get deeper into our training for the Triple Bypass. So, we're definitely focusing our nutrition on eating to training, not training to eat. Looking for something to whip up for lunch that would aid in recovery from our Saturday morning...
Good-bye Rice, Hello Kamut Pilaf !
We all know whole grains are better than refined grains or processed grain products. Quinoa, brown rice and oats seem to be the main-stays of whole grains in most kitchens. However, I think it’s safe to say that many folks aren’t sure how to cook such things as...
Flourless Brownies
I know. You're thinking, "Flourless brownies? How does that work?" Well, I had taste-tested a recipe once at my old job during one of the on-site farmer's markets. I have also seen tons of recipes, but had yet to try one. Jason was in the mood for something...
Breakfast for Dinner
I love breakfast for dinner. It’s so simple and quick when you are in a hurry. Jason and I got home later than usual last night. We pondered the question of grabbing something on the way home, but nothing good came to mind. I had some Swiss chard in the fridge and...