The Fare Maven Blog
What Is My Essential Pantry List?
I get a lot of questions from clients about how to pull quick and healthy meals together after a busy day. I truly believe we can all make something cooked at home for dinner every night with a well-stocked pantry. If you have the time, you might experiment with a...
Simple Changes for the New Year
Did you know that 60% of people that make New Year’s Resolutions actually meet their goal? That’s 60% more than folks who decide to not even bother making a resolution. Making a change – which could be giving up some undesired behavior or habit or adding a new...
The Season of Feasting, Part 2
Did you survive Thanksgiving without going overboard on the food? Did you also maintain your activity level to maintain weight and reduce stress? If not, what can you learn from your best intentions gone awry? If things didn’t work out to plan on Turkey Day, you...
‘Tis the Season of Feasting, Part 1
Every year, I joke that the time period between Halloween and New Year’s should be called the Season of Feasting. The candy arrives at the beginning of October for everyone to start eating and then the treats and drinks keep coming through January 1st. Many emerge...
Curried Chicken Salad
Ironman Arizona was just this past Sunday. It’s really like its own little holiday for those of us crazy triathletes in the Phoenix area. (I know I get excited every year whether I’m entered to race it or not!) This year, my husband, Jason, and I did a few...
Butternut Squash and Apple Soup
Nothing says fall like a bowl of butternut squash soup. I had bought some pre-cut butternut squash from the Costco the other day and instantly thought “soup!” So, last night I embarked upon making butternut squash soup. It had been a while since I had made it. As...
Healthier Sausage and Peppers
When I was young, my family used to make the world’s best Italian sausage and pepper sandwiches. Here’s a healthier version of sausage and peppers. I happened to be in a taper week for an upcoming race (i.e., I was resting more than training), so I kept it simple...
Protein and Fat for Weight Loss and Maintenance
Quick and Easy Protein + Fat + Fiber Dinner
Last week, I had a night where I got home later than usual. I make dinner for my husband, Jason, and I almost every night. I wanted to get something tasty and balanced on the table for us. Now, the goal each time I sit down to eat is to have protein, fat and fiber...
Periodized Nutrition
You have different training volumes and intensities throughout your training year, so your food intake and eating plan should support these ebbs and flows. Simply put, nutrition periodization is aligning your nutrition to support your training. Some of the goals...
One on One Coaching
Working with a coach one-on-one is an amazing process that focuses not on "quick" fixes, but overcoming challenges (real or imagined) to help you master your health and well-being and improve your performance. The goal behind one-on-one coaching is to make changes...
Pre-Race Nutrition
It’s the night before your race. You’re worried about all sorts of things: making sure you didn’t forget anything in your transition bag, being prepared for a flat on the bike course, having your nutrition and hydration packed. You’ve also heard about...
Learn to read the Nutrition labels
When you are grocery shopping, picking out a snack at the convenience store or raiding the vending machine at work, do you take the time to read the nutrition label? Whenever I teach a nutrition class, I ask people, what do you look at when you read a food label. ...
Not Seeing the Results You Want?
One small but simple change might be all you need to make to get positive results. Something as easy as making sure you eat breakfast. Or, increasing your protein intake at each meal. Maybe even choosing nutrient-dense snacks. If you are unsure about how to go...
Eating to Live and Train
Eating to live and train means eating to get the nourishment and energy that your body needs whether you are in off-season, base season or racing/build season. Eating is not a pastime. Eating to live and train means being mindful about what you are eating. What...